This is how I contact customer service, right?
How are you feeling?
It’s not a trap, I promise. Full lifestyle changes are complicated, and I’ve thrown a lot at you so I want to make sure you’re still with me. Golly, I am really proud of the work you’ve done. You’re doing so good, keep it up!
Bring it in!
Woah. I just blacked out for a few seconds. I should really see a doctor about that. Too bad I have garbage insurance and zero interest in figuring it out how to use it. If you’ve got good insurance, shoot me an email at Don’t worry, we can draw up an ironclad prenup to protect you from my unpredictable mood swings. I just want you for that sweet, sweet prescription coverage.
We both know that’s all you have to offer anyway.
The good news is, after this chapter you won’t be able to convince anyone to marry you anyway, so lets have our lawyers begin drafting the paperwork.
Heads up, I’ll be wearing a white dress for the signing.
Quick PSA: people are the worst. Have we touched on that yet? I feel like I’ve made it pretty clear that everything in your life (pre-meagan) is terrible, so it’s safe to assume the people around you are included in that list.
There is one benefit to having other people around, though. The more people there are, the more work you can offload onto someone else!
As a pathetic and weak individual, you’ve probably leaned on a close friend to get you through a particular hardship, or habitually taken comfort in the thought that you have a strong support system you can always rely on while navigating any of life’s highs and lows. That’s not what we’re going to be using people for moving forward. Instead, you might turn to a specific individual to knock you down a peg if you’re starting to feel some optimism creep back into your mind, or, for a general wave of hopelessness, simply take a moment to remind yourself of the millions suffering as a result of the selfish and destructive nature of mankind as a whole.
These are just a few ways we can use the rest of the world to foster our own progress in giving up. Clearly the more responsibility we can shift away from ourselves the better, so we’ll start here first.
Nothing’s ever easy with you though, so if you want to fully immerse yourself in the giving up lifestyle, you’re going to have to actively eliminate your aforementioned support system. This doesn’t mean you need to remove everyone from your life, however. For instance, I see myself as more of a demolition crew. The goal is to elbow out the people who claim to care about your health and wellbeing to make room for hollow and/or parasitic relationships.
Up until now, we’ve mostly focused on altering the world inside your brain, but some of these internal changes will likely draw external attention. Being the disappointment that you are, you probably still have people around you who will find your new demeanor and behaviors concerning, and will attempt to interfere with your evolution. These people are weak. They are too scared to accept the truth about Placeholder, because they know they could not achieve freedom from it the way you can. Don’t be fooled by their siren songs, citing “love” and “genuine interest in your happiness” as their motivation for their interventions. They just don’t want you to leave them behind.
All people are liars. All love ends in pain.
It’s time to give up on the idea that we need either in our lives.